Our Changing Society

CLOSER, the home of longitudinal research, is the interdisciplinary partnership of leading social and biomedical longitudinal population studies that provide unparalleled insights into the UK population.

‘Our Changing Society’ is a free resource of interactive graphs, downloadable datasets and relevant legislation that provides researchers, teachers, students and policymakers with detailed historical context to the lives of study participants.

The resource covers a range of topics areas, including income inequality, fertility, life expectancy and unemployment. Browse through the topic areas below, or use our drop-down menu to find the areas you’re interested in.

90/10 income inequality ratio

90/10 income inequality ratio image
  • Inequality
  • Employment & pensions

Age-specific fertility rates

Age-specific fertility rates image
  • Family & social networks
  • Health

Alcohol consumption per capita

Alcohol consumption per capita image
  • Health
    • Health & lifestyle
    • Physical health
    • Mental health

Average age of withdrawal from the labour market

Average age of withdrawal from the labour market image
  • Ageing
  • Employment & pensions

Births and deaths

Births and deaths image
  • Health
  • Family & social networks

Child poverty rates before housing costs

Child poverty rates before housing costs image
  • Inequality
  • Attitudes & beliefs
  • Health

Claimant count rate by sex

Claimant count rate by sex image
  • Employment & pensions

Current cigarette and e-cigarette smokers by sex

Current cigarette and e-cigarette smokers by sex image
  • Health
    • Health & lifestyle
    • Physical health

Death rates from cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Death rates from cardiovascular disease (CVD) image
  • Health
    • Physical health


Divorce image
  • Family & social networks

Dwelling stock by tenure

Dwelling stock by tenure image
  • Housing & environment

Estimated annual population

Estimated annual population image
  • Health

Gender pay gaps in average (mean) hourly earnings

Gender pay gaps in average (mean) hourly earnings image
  • Employment & pensions
  • Inequality

Gini coefficient income inequality measure

Gini coefficient income inequality measure image
  • Employment & pensions
  • Inequality

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) image
  • Employment & pensions

Household car availability

Household car availability image
  • Family & social networks
  • Housing & environment

Households with internet access

Households with internet access image
  • Housing & environment

Incidence of breastfeeding

Incidence of breastfeeding image
  • Health
  • Family & social networks

Infant mortality

Infant mortality image
  • Health
    • Health & lifestyle
    • Physical health
  • Inequality

Life expectancy at 65

Life expectancy at 65 image
  • Health
    • Health & lifestyle
    • Physical health
  • Ageing

Life expectancy at birth

Life expectancy at birth image
  • Ageing
  • Health
    • Physical health

Live births outside marriage

Live births outside marriage image
  • Ageing
  • Attitudes & beliefs
  • Family & social networks


Marriage image
  • Family & social networks

Prison population by sex

Prison population by sex image
  • Housing & environment
  • Family & social networks

Proportion of cigarette smokers by sex

Proportion of cigarette smokers by sex image
  • Health
    • Physical health
    • Health & lifestyle

Proportion of population aged 75 and over

Proportion of population aged 75 and over image
  • Ageing
  • Health

Public sector workforce as percentage of total employment

Public sector workforce as percentage of total employment image
  • Employment & pensions

Pupil-teacher ratio in primary education

Pupil-teacher ratio in primary education image
  • Education & skills

Share of the vote by party in UK General Elections

Share of the vote by party in UK General Elections image
  • Attitudes & beliefs

Spending as a percentage of GDP

Spending as a percentage of GDP image
  • Health
  • Education & skills

State-funded grammar school pupils

State-funded grammar school pupils image
  • Education & skills

Students obtaining university degrees

Students obtaining university degrees image
  • Education & skills

Total fertility rate

Total fertility rate image
  • Health
  • Family & social networks

Turnout at UK General Elections

Turnout at UK General Elections image
  • Attitudes & beliefs

Unemployment rate by sex

Unemployment rate by sex image
  • Employment & pensions