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Closer - The home of longitudinal research

Harmonisation in action

This section outlines some existing and past projects which produced harmonised data in particular research themes.

Harmonisation projects funded by CLOSER

CLOSER funded a set of projects across multiple research themes to produce new harmonised data resources, including guides to cross-study data comparability and cross-study harmonised datasets.

Harmonised datasets

CLOSER has released four datasets of harmonised variables across several CLOSER partner studies on different themes. Each of the CLOSER harmonised datasets is accompanied by a user guide that outlines the process used to harmonise the included variables.

Cross-study data guides

Cross-study data guides summarise the available data on a certain topic across different studies. These guides are often the first step in identifying similar data from multiple studies and may give an indication of the possibility of harmonisation.

CLOSER’s cross-study data guides help researchers explore and compare available measures both within and across multiple CLOSER partner studies. The guides cover dietary data, physical activity data, and cognitive measures.

The projects that created the cross-study data guides for cognitive measures and dietary data carried out extensive scoping on the feasibility of harmonising these measures within and across studies. Follow the links below to read more about the strategies and processes used to determine whether harmonisation was feasible.

Other harmonisation projects