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Example of pre-existing data used to derive target variables (FFQ)

The table below shows an example of pre-existing data used to derive target variables (FFQ).

Table adapted from the Measurement Toolkit [145]

Fish items in the original cohort Harmonised items
Fish types Assumption of g/portion Frequency and quantity Target variable (g/d) Harmonisation – categorisation of fish Harmonisation – frequency and quantity
White fish (hake, whiting, bream, grouper, sole) 150 g Frequency: never/almost never; 1-3 times/month; once a week; 2-4 times/week; 5-6 times/week; once per day; 2-3 times/day; 4-6 times/day; more than 6 times/day Lean fish White fish/day + Cod/day Lean fish: multiply portion/day*150 g
Cod 150 g
Blue fish (sardines, tuna, bonito, mackerel, salmon) 150 g Fatty fish Blue fish/day Fatty fish: multiply portion/day*150 g
Salted or smoked fish 50 g Salted/smoked/dried Salted or smoked fish/day Salted/smoked/dried fish: multiply portion/day*50 g
Clam, oyster, mussels 60 g Seafood other than fish Total seafood per day Source data already in g/d
Prawn, king prawn, crayfish 100 g
Octopus, squid, cuttlefish 150 g
Total fish and seafood per day (derived) g/d Total fish Total fish and seafood per day Source data already in g/d
Total seafood per day (derived) g/d

Next page: example of pre-existing data used to derive target variables (diet history)