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NSHD: dietary data collection

Information about dietary intake was collected at ages 4 (1950), 36 (1982), 43 (1989), 53 (1999), 60-64 (2006-2010), 68-69 years (2014-2015) and 74 years (2020-2021).

A summary of the different diet-related questions asked at each time point is provided in the table and paragraphs below.

At age 74 (2020-2021), the COVID-19 waves asked questions about consumption of fruits and vegetables before and after the COVID-19 outbreak.

Response to dietary measures in NSHD

1950 1982 1989 1999 2006-2010 2014-2015 2020 COVID 1 2020 COVID 2 2021 COVID 3
Age 4y Age 36y Age 43y Age 53y Age 60-64y Age 68-69y Age 74y Age 74y Age 74y
Respondent (P = parent, CM = cohort member) P CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM
Questionnaire source*** PAPI PAPI, DD PAPI, DD DD, SC DD, SC SC CAWI CAWI CAWI
24-hour recall
48-hour recall
5-day estimated food diary
Are you on a special diet?
How often do you eat meals containing (red) meat/poultry (white meat)/meat products (processed meat)?
When eating meat do you eat only the lean or both lean and fat?
What is the brand of fat (spread) you use? (e.g. on bread)
How much bread do you eat a day that’s spread with this?
What kind of fat is usually used for cooking at home?
How often do you eat food that’s been deep fried/other fried food? Do you know what kind of fat is used? And the brand name?
When you eat a main meal or any other food do you generally add salt to it?
How many days a week do you usually eat breakfast?
For your main meal of the day, how many times do you usually: eat out in a restaurant / eat a meal from a take-away / eat a meal prepared at home?
When you have your main meal at home, do you usually eat it: sitting at a table / watching television / with other members of the family / with friends / alone?
Do you get up in the night to get something to eat or drink, and if so, what do you usually eat or drink?
If you are hungry/thirsty between meals, what do you usually eat/drink?
What kind(s) of milk do you usually have at home either in drinks or on cereal? Do not drink/use milk?**
What type(s) of bread do you usually eat?
How often do you eat fruit and on days you eat, how many portions?
How often do you eat vegetables not including potatoes and on days you eat, how many portions?
Do you take any dietary supplements? Specify names/brands and how often used. ††
In month prior to COVID outbreak, how many portions of fresh fruit and vegetables consumed per day
Post-COVID outbreak/last 4 weeks, how many portions of fresh fruit and vegetables consumed per day
Food security, use of food banks

** Hyperlinks provided to the questionnaire/dataset on CLOSER Discovery. PAPI = Paper Assisted Personal Interview; DD = Diet Diary; CAPI = Computer Assisted Personal Interview; SC = Self-completion questionnaire

Response options

1982 = Never, less than once a day (0-6 times/week), about once a day (7-11 times/week), about twice a day (12+ times/week). 2006-2010 = 5-7 times/week, 3-4 times/week, 1-2 times/week, Less often/Never
4 slices a day or less, 5-7 slices a day, more than 7 slices a day, unknown
▼ Once a month or less, about once a fortnight, once a week or more, unknown
* Do no drink/use milk, whole milk, semi-skimmed, skimmed, soya (just in 2006-2010), other (specify)
White, brown, granary, wholemeal, don’t often eat bread, other (specify)
Rarely or never, sometimes or not every day, every day or most days.
†† Daily, Several times a week, Less often  

Next page: NSHD: estimation of nutrient intake