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MCS: dietary data collection

Information about infant feeding was collected at age 9 months (2001), 3 (2004) and 5 (2006) years.

Additional information about the children’s diets were collected at ages 5 (2006), 7 (2008), 11 (2012), 14 (2015) and 17 (2018) years.

The main caregiver answered questions on behalf of the child up to age 11 years. The child themselves responded to the questions at 14 and 17 years. Up to age 14, all questions were asked during a computer assisted personal interviewing questionnaire (CAPI) during a home visit.

At age 17, the questions were asked during a computer assisted web interview (CAWI) which the cohort members were asked to complete after the home interview. A CAWI was also used in the COVID-19 sweeps.

At 9 months of age, the main caregiver provided information on aspects of infant feeding including breastfeeding and/or formula duration, other types of milk consumed and the introduction of solid foods (access the questionnaire).

At ages 3 and 5 years, the main caregiver confirmed whether the baby was still breastfeeding and/or the age at which they last had breast milk.

At ages 3, 5, 7, 11, 14 and 17 years, while no established DAT was used, the frequency of consumption of a limited number of specific foods was recorded and these foods varied across sweeps (see the table below).

At age 20 years, questions asked about consumption of fruits and vegetables before and after the COVID-19 outbreak.

Diet-related questions in MCS

Year 2001 2004 2006 2008 2012 2015 2018 2020 2020 2021
MCS sweep* Sweep 1 Sweep 2 Sweep 3 Sweep 4 Sweep 5 Sweep 6 Sweep 7 COVID1 COVID2 COVID3
Age Age 9M Age 3y Age 5y Age 7y Age 11y Age 14y Age 17y Age 20y Age 20y Age 20y
Respondent (P = Parent; CM = Cohort member) P P P P P CM CM CM CM CM
Questions about infant feeding (breastfeeding, formula and other milk types, solid foods)
Does the child eat a portion of fresh fruit or vegetables daily
How many portions of fresh, frozen tinned or dried fruit consumed per day
Frequency of at least 2 portions of fruit per day (not including fruit juices)
Frequency of at least 2 portions of vegetables including salad, fresh, frozen or tinned vegetables per day
In month prior to COVID outbreak, how many portions of fresh fruit and vegetables consumed per day
Post-COVID outbreak/last 4 weeks, how many portions of fresh fruit and vegetables consumed per day
What type of milk is normally used***
What type of bread is normally eaten
Frequency of breakfast consumption
If the child eats between meals, what do they usually eat
When the child drinks between meals, what do they usually drink§
How often does the child /you drink sweetened drinks?
How often does the child/you drink artificially sweetened drinks?
How often, if at all do you eat fast food?
Do parents control the diet for specific reasons e.g. allergy, vegetarian, weight control, religion
Regular mealtimes
Midday meal provided by school? Free/Paid for?
Dieting behaviours
Food security, use of food banks


* Hyperlinks provided to the MCS sweep user guide or information pages
**Hyperlinks provided to the questionnaire documentation or to CLOSER Discovery
Question summary: was child ever breastfed; age last had breastmilk; how old when first had formula milk / cow’s milk / other milk such as soya; how old when first had solid food.

Response options:

*** Only whole milk/ sometimes whole milk, sometimes semi-skimmed or skimmed milk/ only semi-skimmed milk; sometimes have semi-skimmed, sometimes I have skimmed milk/ only have skimmed milk/ only 1% fat milk/ soya milk or other non-cow milk/ never have milk.
White bread only/sometimes white, sometimes brown or granary or wholemeal bread (including 50:50 bread)/ only brown/granary bread (including 50:50 bread)/ sometimes brown/granary bread (including 50:50 bread), sometimes wholemeal bread/ only wholemeal bread/ never eat bread.
Crisps and other similar snacks/Breakfast cereal/Cakes and sweet biscuits/Fruit (fresh, dried or tinned)/Vegetables (raw or tinned)/Bread, toast and similar items e.g. crumpets, muffins/Crispbread, crackers, breadsticks, rice cakes etc/Sweets or chocolate/Yoghurt, fromage frais etc./Other dairy products like cheese or eggs /Other (specify)/Does not eat between meals.
§ Sweetened drinks (e.g. cola, squash, sunny delight)/Artificially sweetened drinks (diet cola, sugar-free squash)/Unsweetened or pure fruit juice/Water/Hot drinks (e.g. tea or coffee)/Milk/Milkshakes, hot chocolate and other drinks made with milk/Other.

Next page: MCS: response to dietary measures