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ALSPAC: dietary data collection

ALSPAC collected dietary information from both mothers, their partners, and children at various time points (see the table below).

The information was collected using FFQs, diet diaries, and other diet-related questions.

The table below outlines the diet-related questions in ALSPAC:

In this section

ALSPAC: dietary data collection

Diet-related questions in ALSPAC

Child age (Year) Respondent: Questionnaire name(s)*
(File code▽)
FFQ Diet diary‡ Disordered eating Food security & poverty Other Derived variables
Respondent codes = pCM (parent/carer reporting about cohort member), CM (cohort member reporting about themselves, G1), CMP (cohort member’s partner), M (Mother/Carer, G0), P (Partner/Father, G0)
Pregnancy, 32 weeks gestation
M: Your Pregnancy
P: Partners Questionnaire (PB)
M, P (partial) M (M) Diets and weight control
4 weeks
pCM: My Young Baby Girl/Boy (KA) pCM (infant feeding) (pCM) Infant feeding behaviours (pCM) Infant feeding behaviours
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
4 months
pCM: Children in Focus clinic (CIF) pCM** (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
6 months
pCM: My Daughter/Son (KB) pCM† (pCM) Infant feeding behaviours (pCM) Infant feeding behaviours
8 months
pCM: Children in Focus clinic (CIF) pCM** (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
15 months
pCM: My Infant Daughter/Son (KC) pCM† (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
18 months
pCM: Children in Focus clinic (CIF) pCM** (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
2 years
pCM: My Little Girl/Boy (KE) pCM (pCM) Eating habits (pCM) Dietary pattern scores
3 years
pCM: My Three Year old Boy/Girl (KG) pCM (pCM) Eating habits (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
(pCM) Feeding difficulties score
3.5 years
pCM: Children in Focus clinic (CIF) pCM** (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
4 years
M: Mother’s New Questionnaire (J)
P: Partner’s New Questionnaire (PG)
pCM: My Young Four Year Old Boy/Girl (KK)
M, P, pCM (M, P, pCM) Eating habits (M, P, pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(M, P, pCM) Dietary pattern scores
5 years
pCM: Children in Focus clinic (CIF) pCM** (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
6/7 years
pCM: My Son/Daughter At School (KQ) pCM (pCM) Eating habits (pCM) Estimated average nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
(pCM) Feeding difficulties score
7 years
pCM: Focus @ 7 clinic (F07) pCM (pCM) Average weight of dietary intake
(pCM) Estimated nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
8/9 years
M: Mother and Family (N)
P: Father and Family (PL)
pCM: My Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)
M, P, pCM (M, P) Food attitudes
(M, P, pCM) Eating habits
(pCM) Estimated nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
10 years
pCM: Focus @ 10 clinic (F10) pCM (pCM) Average weight of dietary intake
(pCM) Estimated nutrient, food groups, and energy intake
(pCM) Dietary pattern scores
12/13 years
M: Twelve Years On (S)
P: About me (PQ)
pCM: My Teenage Son/Daughter (TA)
CM: Food and Things (CCM)
M, P, pCM, CM pCM (M, P, pCM, CM) Eating habits (pCM) Dietary pattern scores
14 years
Boys’/Girls’ Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour (CCQ) CM
16 years
Life of a 16+ Teenager (CCS) CM
17 years
About Eating (XB) M
18 years
Your Changing Life (CCT) CM
23 years
Me at 23+ (YPC) (CM) Eating behaviours
24 years
Life @ 24+(YPD) CM
25 years
Life @ 25+(YPE) CM (CM) Food preferences
27 years
COVID1 CM, CMP, M, P Amount eaten changed in COVID lockdown (CM, M, P)
27 years
COVID2 CM, CMP, M, P Eating habits since lockdown & in last month (frequency & estimated intake of select foods) Obesogenic dietary pattern score
27/28 years
COVID4 Eating habits before & after COVID lockdown (CM, M, P)
28 years
Life @ 28+ (YPH) Eating habits before & after COVID lock-down (CM)
29 years
Life @ 29+ (YPJ) Dairy/meat eating (CM)
29 years
COVID6 CM, M, P Changes in frequency of eating takeaways (CM, M, P)
30 years
Parents questionnaire 2022 (Z, FPD)
Life @30+ (YPL)
M, P, CM CM Dairy/meat eating (M, P)
31 years
Life @ 31+ (YPM) CM
32 years
Winter 2023 questionnaire (MB, FF) M, P M, P


* Hyperlinks provided to the ALSPAC questionnaire in CLOSER Discovery or study website. Clinic visits and COVID19 questionnaires do not have a hyperlink; documentation for the clinic & COVID data is available through downloading the ALSPAC Data Dictionary.

In the ALSPAC Data Dictionary, each questionnaire is stored in a single file and represented by a unique file code, which indicate the respondent. Typically these follow these rules (although there are some exceptions): single letter codes = mother/carer based; two-letter codes beginning with P or F = partner/father based; two letter codes beginning with K or T = cohort member-based but completed by the mother/carer; three-letter codes beginning with CC or YP = cohort member completed.

** asked of Children in Focus subsample (a 10% subsample of the main sample).

† Infant FFQ not detailed enough to estimate energy intake.

‡ One-day diet diary at age 4 months. Three-day diet diary for other ages.

Much of the diet questions and data are available in CLOSER Discovery. The ALSPAC study website also contains details of all the data that are available through a searchable data dictionary and variable search tool; links to relevant questionnaire sources in the table below. Details of the dietary collection methods have been discussed in a previous publication and will be briefly outlined here [94].

Next page: Questionnaire sources for FFQs