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Dietary information in selected CLOSER studies

Each of the original eight longitudinal population studies in CLOSER have some information on dietary intake (as documented in the table below).

ALSPAC and SWS are highly focused on diet and include both FFQs and diet diaries. HCS, also focused on diet, has collected dietary information primarily using FFQs. NSHD and BCS70 have collected dietary intake using diet diaries while NCDS has used recall.

MCS and UKHLS have not used a traditional DAT (i.e. FFQ, diary or recall) but do include other diet-related questions.

Summary of dietary information across selected CLOSER studies

Study Year Age FFQ Diary Recall Other*
HCS 1920-1930 Up to 1y
1998-2003 ~66y
2011 ~76y (Short FFQ)
NSHD 1950 4y
1982 36y
1989 43y
1999 53y
2006-2011 60-64y
2014-2015 69y
2020-2021 74y
NCDS 1991 33y
2000 42y
2003 44y
2020 62y
2020-2021 62y
BCS70 1970 0y
1980 10y
1986 16y
2000 30y
2012 42y
2016 46y
2020-2021 50y
2021 51y
UKHLS 1991-2021 10y+
ALSPAC 1991-1992 32 weeks gestation
1991-1992 4 weeks
1992-1993 4 months
1991-1993 6 months
1992-1993 8 months
1992-1994 15 months
1994 18 months
1994-1995 2y
1995-1996 3y
1996 3.5y
1996-1997 4y
1997 5y
1997-1999 6-7y
1998-2000 7y
2000-2002 8-9y
2002-2003 10y
2004-2006 12-13y
2004-2006 13y
2005-2007 14y
2007-2009 16y
2010 17y
2010-2011 18y
2015-2016 23y
2016-2017 24y
2017-2018 25y
2020-2021 27y
2020-2021 28y
2021-2022 29y
2022-2023 30y
2023 31y
2023 32y
MCS 2001 9 months
2004 3y
2006 5y
2008 7y
2012 11y
2015 14y
2018 17y
2020-2021 20y
SWS 1998-2002 Before pregnancy
11 weeks gestation
34 weeks gestation
6 months
12 months
12-21y (COVID)

* Diet-related questions
† Subgroup only
‡ Diet measured at multiple time points from both mothers and children
§ Diet measured at multiple time points from both mothers, partners and children
| Some dietary data collected throughout waves; some more detailed than others.

Next page: Hertfordshire Cohort Study