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SWS: dietary data collection

The SWS collected dietary information from both women and their children using three methods: FFQ, prospective food diaries and 24-hour recalls.

There have also been some questions across the data collections on supplements, food insecurity, and change in diet due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most commonly used DATs were FFQs. Most of the questionnaires outlining the dietary assessments can be found at SWS website. The table below outlines the methods and timing of these DATs.

Overview of dietary assessment in SWS

Time point Women Women Child Child Child Child
100-item FFQ ▽ 24-hour food diary Milk-feeding history FFQ 24-hour recall Food diary Other
Before pregnancy (1998-2002) (Women) Food supplements
Sub-group of 94 non-pregnant women in repeatability study
Early pregnancy (11 weeks gestation) (Women) Food supplements
Late pregnancy (34 weeks gestation)
Child age 6 months ✔ (34-item) ▼ ✔ (4-day diary among validation subsample) (Child) Food supplements
Child age 12 months ✔ (78-item) † ✔ (4-day diary among validation subsample) Child) Food supplements
Child age 3y ✔ (80-item) ‡ ✔ (2-day prospective) (Child) Food supplements
Child age 6-7 years (Stage 1; Stage 2) ✔ (80-item) ‡ (Child) Food supplements
Child age 8-9 years * (Child) Food supplements
Child age 11-13 years * (Child) Food supplements
Child aged 12-21y (COVID survey, 2021) (Women & Child) Has consumption of specific foods changed since the COVID outbreak**

Links have been provided to the questionnaire on the SWS website, where available. Most questionnaires used in collecting the dietary data and a data dictionary are available online. For more information contact

Responses to women’s 100-item FFQ based on the preceding three months: never, once every 2-3 months, one per month, once per fortnight, 1-2 times per week, 3-6 times per week, once a day, more than once per day.

At 6 months, the 34-item FFQ was based on the preceding 7 days. Responses were: number of times the food/food group was consumed over the past week, the brand and amount consumed in household measured.

At 12 months, the 78-item FFQ was based on the preceding month. Responses were: never, 1-3 times per month, 1 to 7 times per week, more than once a day.

At 3 years and 6-7 years, the 80-item FFQ was based on the preceding three months with the following eleven possible responses: (1) never, less than once/month, (2) 1-3 times /month, (3-10) 1-7 times/week, (11) more than once/day.

* Short FFQ.

** Foods included: White bread; Brown and wholemeal bread; Chips; Biscuits and cakes; Full-fat milk; Reduced-fat milk; Processed meat (bacon, meat pies, sausages, ham etc); Vegetables; Fruit; Confectionery (sweets, chocolate, etc); Beans and pulses (not baked beans); Nuts and seeds; Tap water; Sugar sweetened beverages (not diet or sugar-free). Response options: Decreased a lot; Decreased a little; Stayed the same; Increased a little; Increased a lot