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A guide to the cognitive measures in five CLOSER studies

Explore the measures used to assess diverse aspects of cognition within and across five British birth cohort studies

This guide was created as part of CLOSER Work Package 19: Assessment and harmonisation of cognitive measures in British birth cohorts.

Note this guide currently covers measures collected by the named studies up to November 2024.

This guide was written by Vanessa Moulton, Eoin McElroy, Marcus Richards, Emla Fitzsimons, Kate Northstone, Gabriella Conti, George B. Ploubidis, Alice Sullivan, Sude Işıl Baştuğ, Katie Sykes, Charlotte Campbell, Dara O’Neill.

Version 2 was updated by Dr Charlotte Campbell alongside Katie Sykes and Sude Işıl Baştuğ who were supported by a CLOSER internship in 2024.

This version was updated in 2024 by the CLOSER team. It includes additional information from the following study waves/sweeps:

  • NCDS: Sweep 10 (age 62, 2020)
  • BCS70: Sweep 11 (age 51, 2021)
  • ALSPAC: Age 24 (2016-2017)
  • MCS: Sweep 7 (age 17, 2018), Sweep 8 (age 23, 2023)

Version 2 also includes a summary of measures of cognition across all 19 longitudinal population studies in the CLOSER partnership.

To cite the guide, please use the following suggested citation:

Moulton, V., McElroy, E., Richards, M., Fitzsimons, E., Northstone, K., Conti, G., Ploubidis, G.B., Sullivan, A., Baştuğ, S.I., Sykes, K., Campbell, C., O’Neill, D. (2024). A guide to the cognitive measures in five CLOSER studies (Version 2). London, UK: CLOSER.