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Videos and slides available – Metadata management in the real world: Using standardised scales and lists in our Discovery research tool

This webinar showcased how you can get the most out of standardised scales and lists functionality in our Discovery research tool. Videos and slides from the session are available below.

About the webinar

Earlier this summer, we added a new standardised scales section to our Discovery research tool for UK longitudinal population studies.  

This exciting update means it is now much easier to determine if questions from 11 CLOSER studies’ questionnaires belong to a standardised scale and identify where these scales are used across the studies and waves of data collection. 

In this Metadata management in the real world webinar, our data discoverability team walked through this new functionality, showcasing how you can now easily identify which scales are included and download study data with the confidence that it includes valid measures of the concepts you’re investigating. 

We also demonstrated the different ways you can use lists in CLOSER Discovery to enhance your use of the research tool. 

Access the videos and slides from this webinar

Using standardised scales in CLOSER Discovery – Claudia Alito, CLOSER Metadata Assistant

Download: Using standardised scales in CLOSER Discovery slides [PDF] 

Creating lists in CLOSER Discovery – Dr Becky Oldroyd, CLOSER Metadata Manager

Download: Creating lists in CLOSER Discovery slides [PDF]

Further information

If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact CLOSER Administrative and Events Assistant, Becky England.

CLOSER Data Managers Network

This webinar is organised as part of the CLOSER Data Managers Network which is comprised of professionals working on study data management. The network is open to the 19 studies that form part of CLOSER as well as professionals from the wider data management community.

For more information, or to enquire about joining the CLOSER Data Managers Network, please contact CLOSER Project Officer, Aidan Riley.