Our longitudinal resources

This section contains all of our internal CLOSER resources and a selection of external resources relevant to longitudinal research. The links below allow you to see resources relevant to your interests.

Resource report

Interactive tool: Overlapping mental health items administered in the British cohorts (Excel)

Interactive tool: Overlapping mental health items administered in the British cohorts (Excel) image
  • Health
    • Mental health
Resource report

Harmonisation and measurement properties of mental health measures in six British cohorts

Harmonisation and measurement properties of mental health measures in six British cohorts image
  • Health
    • Mental health
Briefing paper

August 2021 COVID-19 Briefing Note: evidence and insights from longitudinal population

August 2021 COVID-19 Briefing Note: evidence and insights from longitudinal population image
  • Inequality
  • Education & skills

Learning from longitudinal studies in LMICs: Innovation in longitudinal research

Learning from longitudinal studies in LMICs: Innovation in longitudinal research image

Introducing the Southampton Women’s Survey – Prof Janis Baird

Introducing the Southampton Women’s Survey – Prof Janis Baird image
  • Family & social networks
  • Health

Introducing the Hertfordshire Cohort Study – Prof Elaine Dennison

Introducing the Hertfordshire Cohort Study – Prof Elaine Dennison image
  • Health
  • Ageing

COVID-19 impact on access to healthcare

COVID-19 impact on access to healthcare image
  • Health

COVID-19 Impact on education

COVID-19 Impact on education image
  • Education & skills
Resource report

Feasibility of retrospectively harmonising cognitive measures in five British birth cohort studies

Feasibility of retrospectively harmonising cognitive measures in five British birth cohort studies image
  • Education & skills

Learning Hub animations: Intro to analysing longitudinal data

Learning Hub animations: Intro to analysing longitudinal data image

Learning Hub animations: Regression analysis

Learning Hub animations: Regression analysis image

Learning Hub animations: Multi-level and growth curve modelling

Learning Hub animations: Multi-level and growth curve modelling image

Learning Hub animations: Survival analysis

Learning Hub animations: Survival analysis image
Briefing paper

November 2021 COVID-19 Briefing Note: evidence and insights from longitudinal population studies

November 2021 COVID-19 Briefing Note: evidence and insights from longitudinal population studies image
  • Family & social networks
  • Health
    • Mental health
  • Employment & pensions
  • Education & skills
  • Inequality
Briefing paper

May 2021 COVID-19 Briefing: Response by the longitudinal research community

May 2021 COVID-19 Briefing: Response by the longitudinal research community image
  • Health

Introducing the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)

Introducing the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) image

Generation Scotland: Before, during and after the pandemic

Generation Scotland: Before, during and after the pandemic image

Metadata management in the real world: Smart Energy Research Laboratory, UKDS

Metadata management in the real world: Smart Energy Research Laboratory, UKDS image

Metadata management in the real world – Rich Data Services, MTNA

Metadata management in the real world – Rich Data Services, MTNA image

Biosocial data in the TwinsUK cohort – Dr Claire Steves

Biosocial data in the TwinsUK cohort – Dr Claire Steves image

Born in Bradford: People powered research – Prof Rosie McEachan

Born in Bradford: People powered research – Prof Rosie McEachan image

Introducing CLOSER’s cognitive measures data guide

Introducing CLOSER’s cognitive measures data guide image
  • Education & skills
Briefing paper

Maximising the use, value and impact of UK longitudinal population studies during a global pandemic

Maximising the use, value and impact of UK longitudinal population studies during a global pandemic image

Metadata management in the real world – Ciara Cummins, CSO Ireland

Metadata management in the real world – Ciara Cummins, CSO Ireland image

Metadata management in the real world – Hilde Orten & Stig Norland, NDS

Metadata management in the real world – Hilde Orten & Stig Norland, NDS image

Introducing the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures

Introducing the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures image

    CLOSER Seminars: Linked area data – Emla Fitzsimons & Nicholas Libuy, UCL

    CLOSER Seminars: Linked area data – Emla Fitzsimons & Nicholas Libuy, UCL image
    • Housing & environment
    • Health

    CLOSER Seminars: Green space & health research – Dr Tiffany Yang, Born in Bradford

    CLOSER Seminars: Green space & health research – Dr Tiffany Yang, Born in Bradford image
    • Housing & environment

    CLOSER Seminars: Young people’s wellbeing – Dr Amy Orben, University of Cambridge

    CLOSER Seminars: Young people’s wellbeing – Dr Amy Orben, University of Cambridge image
      Resource report

      A guide to the dietary data in eight CLOSER studies

      A guide to the dietary data in eight CLOSER studies image
      • Health
        • Health & lifestyle
      Resource report

      Physical activity across age and study: a guide to data in six CLOSER studies

      Physical activity across age and study: a guide to data in six CLOSER studies image
      • Health
      Resource report

      Enabling use of DOIs for data citation in longitudinal studies

      Enabling use of DOIs for data citation in longitudinal studies image
      Resource report

      A guide to the cognitive measures in five British birth cohort studies

      A guide to the cognitive measures in five British birth cohort studies image
      • Education & skills
      Resource report

      The future of data collection in a rapidly changing world

      The future of data collection in a rapidly changing world image
      Resource report

      Understanding metadata management in longitudinal studies

      Understanding metadata management in longitudinal studies image
      Resource report

      Executive summary: Preparing for the future II: international approaches to challenges facing longitudinal population studies

      Executive summary: Preparing for the future II: international approaches to challenges facing longitudinal population studies image
      Resource report

      Full report: Preparing for the future II: international approaches to challenges facing longitudinal population studies

      Full report: Preparing for the future II: international approaches to challenges facing longitudinal population studies image
      Resource report

      An outline framework for the efficient onward-sharing of linked Longitudinal Study and NHS Digital records

      An outline framework for the efficient onward-sharing of linked Longitudinal Study and NHS Digital records image
      • Health

      CLOSER Seminars: Physical activity – Prof Mark Hamer, UCL

      CLOSER Seminars: Physical activity – Prof Mark Hamer, UCL image

        Learning Hub animations: Using longitudinal data for research

        Learning Hub animations: Using longitudinal data for research image

        Learning Hub animations: Sampling

        Learning Hub animations: Sampling image

        Learning Hub animations: Data collection tools

        Learning Hub animations: Data collection tools image

        Learning Hub animations: Types of longitudinal study

        Learning Hub animations: Types of longitudinal study image

        Learning Hub animations: Longitudinal studies: an overview

        Learning Hub animations: Longitudinal studies: an overview image
        • Employment & pensions
        • Education & skills
        • Health
        • Inequality
        • Ageing
        Consultation submission

        Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry inquiry (Sept ’19)

        Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry inquiry (Sept ’19) image
        • Attitudes & beliefs
        Resource report

        Full report: A review of quantitative analytical training needs for users of longitudinal studies

        Full report: A review of quantitative analytical training needs for users of longitudinal studies image
        Resource report

        Executive summary: A review of quantitative analytical training needs for users of longitudinal studies

        Executive summary: A review of quantitative analytical training needs for users of longitudinal studies image
        Resource report

        Executive summary: Preparing for the future: Tackling the key challenges facing the UK’s longitudinal population studies

        Executive summary: Preparing for the future: Tackling the key challenges facing the UK’s longitudinal population studies image
        Resource report

        Full report: Preparing for the future: Tackling the key challenges facing the UK’s longitudinal population studies

        Full report: Preparing for the future: Tackling the key challenges facing the UK’s longitudinal population studies image

        CLOSER Seminars: Mental health – Prof George Ploubidis, UCL

        CLOSER Seminars: Mental health – Prof George Ploubidis, UCL image

          CLOSER Seminars: Mental health – Bridget Bryan, KCL

          CLOSER Seminars: Mental health – Bridget Bryan, KCL image

            CLOSER Seminars: Diet – Dr Sarah Crozier, University of Southampton

            CLOSER Seminars: Diet – Dr Sarah Crozier, University of Southampton image
            • Health

            CLOSER Seminars: Diet – Dr Jane Maddock, UCL

            CLOSER Seminars: Diet – Dr Jane Maddock, UCL image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Women and Equalities Committee inquiry: Mental health of men and boys (March ’19)

            Women and Equalities Committee inquiry: Mental health of men and boys (March ’19) image
            • Health
              • Mental health

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XIII – Noriko Cable

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XIII – Noriko Cable image
            • Family & social networks
            • Housing & environment

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XIII – Natasha Wood

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XIII – Natasha Wood image
            • Family & social networks
            Consultation submission

            Health and Social Care Committee inquiry: First 1000 days of life (Sept ’18)

            Health and Social Care Committee inquiry: First 1000 days of life (Sept ’18) image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Education Committee inquiry: Life chances (June ’18)

            Education Committee inquiry: Life chances (June ’18) image
            • Health
            Resource report

            NHS Numbers and their management systems

            NHS Numbers and their management systems image
            • Health
            Resource report

            A review of resources for geographical variables

            A review of resources for geographical variables image
            • Housing & environment
            Resource report

            Understanding Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

            Understanding Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) image
            • Health
            Resource report

            NHS Digital: Precendent set

            NHS Digital: Precendent set image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Health and Social Care Committee inquiry: Childhood obesity (April ’18)

            Health and Social Care Committee inquiry: Childhood obesity (April ’18) image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Impact of social media and screen use on young people’s health (Apr ’18)

            Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Impact of social media and screen use on young people’s health (Apr ’18) image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry: Social impact of participation in culture and sport (Feb ’18)

            Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry: Social impact of participation in culture and sport (Feb ’18) image
            • Family & social networks
            Resource report

            New technology and novel methods for capturing health-related data in longitudinal and cohort studies

            New technology and novel methods for capturing health-related data in longitudinal and cohort studies image
            • Health
            Resource report

            The use of new technologies to measure socio-economic and environmental concepts in longitudinal studies

            The use of new technologies to measure socio-economic and environmental concepts in longitudinal studies image
            • Employment & pensions
            • Family & social networks
            • Housing & environment
            Consultation submission

            Our response to the National Data Guardian for Health and Care’s Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs (September 2016)

            Our response to the National Data Guardian for Health and Care’s Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs (September 2016) image
            Consultation submission

            Our response to Department for Culture, Media and Sport Call for Views – GDPR Derogations (May 2017)

            Our response to Department for Culture, Media and Sport Call for Views – GDPR Derogations (May 2017) image
            Consultation submission

            Our response to Digital Economy Act Part 5 data sharing codes and regulations consultation (November 2017)

            Our response to Digital Economy Act Part 5 data sharing codes and regulations consultation (November 2017) image
            Consultation submission

            Our response to ICO GDPR consent guidance consultation (March 2017)

            Our response to ICO GDPR consent guidance consultation (March 2017) image
            Consultation submission

            Our response to the Digital Economy Bill Public Bill Committee (October 2016)

            Our response to the Digital Economy Bill Public Bill Committee (October 2016) image
            Resource report

            Development of functional assays in lymphoblastoid cell lines

            Development of functional assays in lymphoblastoid cell lines image
            • Health
            Resource report

            Histone Methodology Development Report

            Histone Methodology Development Report image
            • Health
            Resource report

            Effects of sample processing on the metabolome and proteome

            Effects of sample processing on the metabolome and proteome image
            • Health
            Resource report

            Harmonisation of strategies for exploitation of biological sample collections

            Harmonisation of strategies for exploitation of biological sample collections image
            • Health
            Consultation submission

            Our response to the Cabinet Office consultation document ‘Better use of data in government’ (April 2016)

            Our response to the Cabinet Office consultation document ‘Better use of data in government’ (April 2016) image
            Consultation submission

            Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry: E-cigarettes (Dec ’17)

            Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry: E-cigarettes (Dec ’17) image
            • Health
            • Attitudes & beliefs
            Consultation submission

            Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry: Evidence based early years intervention (Dec ’17)

            Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry: Evidence based early years intervention (Dec ’17) image
            • Health
            • Family & social networks
            Resource report

            Mixing modes and measurement methods in longitudinal studies

            Mixing modes and measurement methods in longitudinal studies image
            Resource report

            A guide to the biomarker data in the CLOSER studies

            A guide to the biomarker data in the CLOSER studies image
            • Health
              • Health & lifestyle
              • Physical health
              • Mental health
            Resource report

            Review of methods for determining pubertal status and age of onset of puberty in cohort and longitudinal studies

            Review of methods for determining pubertal status and age of onset of puberty in cohort and longitudinal studies image
            • Health
              • Physical health

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XII – Chris Belfield

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XII – Chris Belfield image
            • Employment & pensions

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XII – Dr Vasiliki Bountziouka

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XII – Dr Vasiliki Bountziouka image
            • Inequality
            • Health
              • Physical health

            Webinar: Introduction to CLOSER Discovery (16/03/2017)

            Webinar: Introduction to CLOSER Discovery (16/03/2017) image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XI – Meena Kumari

            Longitudinal Methodology Series XI – Meena Kumari image
            • Health
              • Physical health

            Longitudinal Methodology Series X – Leah Li

            Longitudinal Methodology Series X – Leah Li image
            • Health
              • Physical health
              • Health & lifestyle

            Longitudinal Methodology Series X – David Bann

            Longitudinal Methodology Series X – David Bann image
            • Health
              • Physical health
              • Health & lifestyle

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – Tarek Mostafa

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – Tarek Mostafa image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – Brian Dodgeon

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – Brian Dodgeon image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – George Ploubidis

            Longitudinal Methodology Series IX – George Ploubidis image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VIII – Dr Marta Favara

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VIII – Dr Marta Favara image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VIII – Prof Lucinda Platt

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VIII – Prof Lucinda Platt image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series V – Dick Wiggins

            Longitudinal Methodology Series V – Dick Wiggins image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VI – Gundi Knies

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VI – Gundi Knies image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VI – Lorraine Dearden

            Longitudinal Methodology Series VI – Lorraine Dearden image

            Longitudinal Methodology Series V – Lisa Calderwood

            Longitudinal Methodology Series V – Lisa Calderwood image

            Webinar: Introduction to CLOSER Discovery

            Webinar: Introduction to CLOSER Discovery image

            Cross-cohort research: opportunities, challenges and examples

            Cross-cohort research: opportunities, challenges and examples image

            UCL Lunch Hour Lecture – CLOSER Director, Alison Park

            UCL Lunch Hour Lecture – CLOSER Director, Alison Park image
            • Health
            • Inequality
            • Family & social networks
            • Ageing

            CLOSER conference 2015 – Ian Deary – Secrets of staying sharp in older age

            CLOSER conference 2015 – Ian Deary – Secrets of staying sharp in older age image
            • Education & skills
            • Health
              • Mental health
            • Ageing

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series IV – David Blane

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series IV – David Blane image
            • Health
            • Ageing
            • Employment & pensions

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series III – Graciela Muniz-Terrera

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series III – Graciela Muniz-Terrera image
            • Ageing
            • Health
              • Physical health
              • Health & lifestyle

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series II – Bianca De Stavola

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series II – Bianca De Stavola image
            • Health
              • Health & lifestyle
              • Physical health

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series II – Amanda Sacker

            CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Series II – Amanda Sacker image
            • Health
              • Health & lifestyle
              • Physical health

            Using birth cohort data on speech, language and communication to inform policy and practice

            Using birth cohort data on speech, language and communication to inform policy and practice image
            • Family & social networks
            • Health
            Resource report

            User needs study for the Uniform Search Platform (USP)

            User needs study for the Uniform Search Platform (USP) image
            Resource report

            How to use the Mass Observation Archive with cohort data

            How to use the Mass Observation Archive with cohort data image
            Resource report

            Overview of bio measures in longitudinal and life course research

            Overview of bio measures in longitudinal and life course research image
            • Health
              • Health & lifestyle
              • Physical health
              • Mental health

            Dr Ann Hoskins, Public Health England – CLOSER alcohol symposium

            Dr Ann Hoskins, Public Health England – CLOSER alcohol symposium image
            • Health
            • Family & social networks
            • Attitudes & beliefs

            Dr Carly Lightowlers, Liverpool John Moores University – CLOSER alcohol symposium

            Dr Carly Lightowlers, Liverpool John Moores University – CLOSER alcohol symposium image
            • Health

            Neil Dube, Department for Education – CLOSER alcohol symposium

            Neil Dube, Department for Education – CLOSER alcohol symposium image
            • Health

            Jane Elliott – CLOSER alcohol symposium

            Jane Elliott – CLOSER alcohol symposium image
            • Health

            Qualitative data available from the 1958 British birth cohort study

            Qualitative data available from the 1958 British birth cohort study image