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Childhood adversity and adult wellbeing

About the research

Full project title: Prospective associations between childhood environment and adult mental wellbeing

Sad looking middle aged manThis project explored associations between childhood social environment and adult mental wellbeing to examine whether the relationship between the two has changed across different generations. To do this it harmonised measures of socio-economic position in childhood, and mental wellbeing in middle age, across four CLOSER studies.

A new harmonised dataset is being produced to help researchers explore how childhood socio-economic status is linked to adult wellbeing. The project also produced guidance describing the available data on childhood adversity in four CLOSER studies.

Research lead

Mai Stafford (The Health Foundation)

Studies used

Research outputs

  • Harmonised datasets containing data from three studies on childhood material and psychosocial adversity variables are available to download from the UK Data Service. A user guide and syntax are also provided.

Press releases and blogs


  • Wood N, Bann D, Hardy R, et al. Childhood socioeconomic position and adult mental wellbeing: Evidence from four British birth cohort studies. PLoS One. 2017;12(10):e0185798.

CLOSER seminar: Cross cohort analysis of childhood environment and adult mental wellbeing – Natasha Wood

Read about other CLOSER data harmonisation projects.