About the research
Full project title: Overcrowding and health: Methodological innovation for socio-economic measures in longitudinal studies
This project investigated household overcrowding and its implications across generations, by producing comparable measures of overcrowding from household information collected by five CLOSER studies.
Overcrowding has long been treated as a proxy indicator for material deprivation, but different approaches have been used to determine overcrowded households.
Common overcrowding measures include person per room ration (PPR), Bedroom Standard (BS) and Modified Bedroom Standard (MBS). The project also focused on the relationship between overcrowding and health outcomes, presenting on this topic at two conferences (see below).

Dr Noriko Cable
Research lead
Noriko Cable (International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health, UCL)
Studies used
- 1946 National Survey of Health and Development
- 1958 National Child Development Study
- 1970 British Cohort Study
- Millennium Cohort Study
- Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study
Research outputs
- Dataset containing harmonised measures of overcrowding. Not yet available – sign up to CLOSER’s email newsletters to find out when it is published.
- User guide for the Harmonised Overcrowding dataset. Not yet available – sign up to CLOSER’s email newsletters to find out when it is published.
CLOSER seminar: Overcrowding and Health – Harmonisation and research application – Dr Noriko Cable
Conference presentations
- Validating overcrowding measures using the UK birth cohort studies (Session F7, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference 2016)
- Overcrowding and health: Is ‘all’s well that ends well’? (Social 2, ‘Inequalities: a longitudinal perspective’ CLOSER conference 2017)
- Cable, N. & Sacker, A. Validating overcrowding measures using the UK Household Longitudinal Study. SSM – Population Health. 2019;8:100439. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100439
Overcrowding and health: Is ‘all’s well that ends well’? Not yet available – sign up to CLOSER’s email newsletters to find out when it is published.
Read about other CLOSER data harmonisation projects.