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Closer - The home of longitudinal research

Policy Research and Engagement Team

We work with policymakers and researchers to ensure that data and evidence from longitudinal population studies is used to inform policymaking. Our resources outline the policy engagement process so researchers have the tools to engage with policymakers and mobilise their research.

How can we help you?

  • Direct you to relevant resources and findings from CLOSER partner studies.
  • Help you use data from UK longitudinal population studies in your research.
  • Advise on how to engage with policymakers.
  • Highlight current opportunities for policy engagement using longitudinal research.

Contact us

Please contact Jay Dominy, CLOSER Public Affairs Manager, for more information on the above.

Who we are

Rob Davies

Rob Davies

Head of Policy and Dialogue

Rob leads CLOSER’s Policy and Dialogue team, which works to increase the visibility, use and impact of longitudinal population studies, data and research. Prior to taking up the position at CLOSER in 2016, Rob worked in and around governments and parliaments, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the House of Lords, and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. From February 2021 to April 2023, Rob was seconded part-time to the UK Parliament and the Welsh Parliament to develop their respective Areas of Research Interest pilot projects. He regularly shares new opportunities for engagement and relevant political updates. You can follow Rob on Twitter.


Jay Dominy

Public Affairs Manager

Jay has worked in public affairs and policy engagement for several years, including in the City for the financial services sector before joining CLOSER. He has experience engaging directly with Parliamentary Select Committees and Government Departments, and now manages CLOSER’s policy engagement activities. You can follow Jay on Twitter.


Charlotte Campbell

Research Fellow

Charlotte supports the policy engagement activities of the Policy and Dialogue team at CLOSER, alongside her main CLOSER role which focuses on data harmonisation and cross-study research. Charlotte completed her PhD in Social Epidemiology at UCL in 2023 and has research experience in healthy ageing, social relationships and isolation, and biosocial research. You can follow Charlotte on Twitter.

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