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Closer - The home of longitudinal research

Report and slides available: Understanding metadata management in longitudinal studies

This two day workshop explored metadata management in longitudinal studies. Presentation slides and a report from the event are available below.

About the event

This two-day CLOSER workshop explored how structured metadata and open standards can be used to actively manage longitudinal study data and resources.

The first day provided delegates with an overview of different structured metadata concepts, as well as use cases including data management, question management, versioning and data sharing.

The second day included talks from data managers working on social and biomedical longitudinal studies sharing their experience of working with structured metadata. They also discussed how their teams are addressing some of the challenges that can come with it.

There was also a group discussion about future needs for metadata and data management, as well as identifying potential barriers to making progress in this area.

Event resources

1. Introduction

2. Metadata management concepts

3. DDI-Lifecycle

4. Questionnaires and instruments

5. Datasets and variables

6. From theory to practice

7. Introduction to day two

8. Cross study and institution perspective (CLOSER)

9. Group discussion on future needs for metadata and data management, and identifying potential barriers to making progress.

Further information

If you have any queries or require further information about this event, please contact our Communications and Events Officer, Jennie Blows (

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